Why It’s Important to Face Your Fears

If you were asked to describe your dream life, what would that entail?  

For many of us, we would describe the relationships we want, the quality of life we desire, our ideal wealth, and the freedom we yearn for.  We have no problem painting the picture of our dream life, but what is holding us back from bringing our dream to fruition?

When we boil it down, the answer is FEAR.

Fear of the unknown.

Fear of failing.

fear of not being good enough.  

Fear can also show up in the form of false emotions that appear so real that they keep us from moving forward.  

So if the one thing holding us back from achieving the life of our dreams is fear, then all we need to do is figure out how to overcome that fear, right?!  

I know you may be thinking, “easier said than done, Keri!”,  but luckily for you, today I am sharing with you some strategies that I use myself, as well as with our clients at Inspired Living, that help us  move through the fear that is holding us back.

The dream I have for myself, as well as for all of you, is to live an inspired, happy life. To do so, we have to learn how to confront the fears that arise in our lives.    

The first thing I want you to ask yourself when fear arises in your life, is “what is on the other side of my fear?”  

Spoiler Alert: EVERYTHING you want is on the other side of fear!

I know looking over that cliff into the unknown is terrifying, so what can we do to make that jump a little easier?

Identify what the worst possible scenario is.  

By asking yourselfwhat is the worst thing that can happen?” you are able to bring your fear into real life terms, which makes it much less daunting.

For example, you decide to quit your 9-5 to start your own business – what’s the worst thing that could happen?  Perhaps it’s that you lose your home. Then what? You end up having to move in with a family member, or close friend.  

Although it is not your ideal situation, the reality of the worst case scenario is honestly not that bad!  What if you decide to end the long term relationship that you’ve been in that has been holding you back and sucking your joy?  Worst case scenario … you’re single – again, NOT THAT SCARY!

When we look at the worst case scenarios that stem from our fears, it gives us a much more realistic view, in turn, making just about anything seem manageable.

I know that it’s easy to get stuck in the safe, “good enough”, secure zone, but I believe that the only real security in life is doing what you are called to do, and finding joy in what you are doing.  

When you are in that place of joy and service, then the money comes.  At a 9-5 job, there is always going to be a cap. When you are an entrepreneur you are in charge, and there is no limit to the level of success you can achieve!   

Next, I want you to ask yourself, “what would really happen if I got what I  wanted?”  If you got that loving relationship, or expanded your mindset, or created a business that truly excites you and helps you make a difference in the world, what would happen?  Is fear worth holding onto, instead of stepping into that possibility? I doubt that answer is yes!

Working through fear is what creates brilliants lives, and brilliant success.  True joy and happiness come from doing what you love day in and day out. No amount of money or security can bring you that same level of innate joy.  If this is the case, then why are you allowing fear to keep you where you are at right now?

I ask you to please be vulnerable with us today.  What are you most afraid of?  I would love if you could please share your biggest fear with the Inspired Living community by writing it in  the comment section below. When we face our fear, and see what is keeping us playing small written out in front of us, it gives us the power to break free of it.  Once we break through this fear, the opportunities that are meant for us will appear, and we will begin living the life of our dreams!

Thank you for watching and sharing this video.

Dream it. Live it. BE it!


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