How to Make a Big Decision

If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been a bit quieter than usual. That’s because there are some really exciting things taking place over here at IL headquarters that I can’t wait to share with you! With growth and change comes a lot of decision making.

As an entrepreneur we are faced with making decisions every day and sometimes those decisions can leave us feeling paralyzed with “what should I do next” syndrome. I get it!

That’s why this week I am sharing the process I go through when making those BIG and everyday decisions that inevitability shape our lives.


Love or Fear – As business owners, CEOs, and entrepreneurs, we have major decisions to make everyday. Often we feel the need to “figure this out”, there is a masculine energy within that drives us to “make a decision”. We think we need to make the decision right now, but that’s not usually in the flow. The more we try to make something happen the less it works.

Write Your Thoughts – My advice to you whether making a decision big or small is to grab a piece of paper and write out all the reasons it wouldn’t work or negative aspects. This type of reasoning is derived from fear-based thought. When you come from love ask yourself where do I want to be, where do I see myself. Do you want to live in fear or do you want to live in love?

Limited Belief vs. Inner Knowing – Limited beliefs come from the subconscious part of our brain. Childhood imprints form this limited belief system; 95% of the decisions we make are dictated from our subconscious mind. Inner knowing dictates our decision making when we stop and trust our inner self; inner knowing is a love based decision making process.

Is This the Right Step For Me– Instead of forcing an outcome, take a minute to breath, pray, meditate and ask your higher self…is this the right thing for me? When you are in the flow you are trusting your inner self and decisions are made from love.

Are you in the process of making a BIG decision, if so please let me know if this video help you. If you enjoyed it, please share it with someone else.

I always love hearing from you!

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