It doesn’t have to be all-or-nothing!

 NL Jan 13


“If I can’t do it perfectly, I won’t do it at all.” This attitude has kept me…you and any other closet perfectionists out there from getting back on the proverbial horse far too many times to count. We want it done and we want it done exactly right or why bother? Sound familiar?

We all have a little perfectionist in us, but this all-or-nothing mentality may actually be the reason you are underachieving.

All-or-nothing is a paralyzing mentality.

It is why so many resolutions fail.

Goals do not have to be black and white. Instead make small changes that help you get closer to achieving the end goal. In this video, I will give you 4 tips on how to reach your goals without an all-or-nothing approach.

Watch video below


“You have a right to experiment with your life. You will make mistakes. And they are right, too.” – Anaïs Nin via @ Kerimurphy

The journey on the path to our goal is sometimes more fun and more rewarding, but often we get fixated on…

“I will be X when I have accomplished Y.”

Does Y really make you X?

What about what happens between X and Y?

Today’s video will help you to avoid missing out on the “in between” and actually reach your goals in 2014 instead of giving up in the process with these tips.

1. Be consistent and focus on one thing

2. Celebrate the small things

3. Prepare to “fall of the wagon” (aka Damage control)

4. Accountability

Let the Inspired Living community help you keep you on-track and accountable. Share your goals with us in the comments and let’s celebrate the small stuff!

Thank you for reading, sharing and joining in the conversation on the Inspired Living Community!





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