Owning the Room: Tap into your Leadership Presence

In today’s job market, years of experience and credentials on a resume will not land you the leadership role you are a seeking. Personal presence has become a core competency and differentiating factor in career success.

Defined as the state or fact of existing, occurring, or being present in a place or thing. It is often times considered too simply, emphasizing its association with first impressions, and stylistic traits: height, attractiveness, sociability, and charm. But it is much more than that. Presence is inside each one of you right now. When tapped appropriately it will radiate from within you like a golden halo of combined personality, knowledge and passion. Like a moth to the flame others will be drawn to you. Presence then becomes defined by your ability to connect with and inspire others instead.

Be the kind of person that people see, talk to and want to invest in. A strong presence will help you stand out and build a following behind not only YOU, but your ideas as well.  “Guided by passion and steered by your influence, you can build momentum for yourself, others or a greater cause.” 

Using the right approach to develop presence is easy and ANYONE can do it. (No it is not a superpower that only a select few are born with.) It is cultivated from the inside out. Focusing on three “I’s”, intention, individual and inspirational, can help you to find a presence that will motivate.


Our beliefs shape every aspect of our presence, from body language to the actions we take. Therefore you must understand and manage your presence of mind. Wrap your brain around what type of presence you want to convey, the values you want to live by and how that aligns (or doesn’t) with the current perception others have of you.


Individual connections with people drive business, loyalty and in turn success. Leaders need to create an aura that draws others to them. Everyone knows who they are and still feels comfortable approaching them. A true leader may not be remembered by their words, but the feeling that their words evoke. Instead of trying to be the best “individual”, work at getting the best out of others through trust. All you need is to be YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF.


Communicate to any audience, whether in a meeting room full of people or a conversation with one person, in a way that builds and motivates followership. Remember, a leader’s job is to inspire. Look at each conversation as an opportunity- call to action by using the right language, persuasion and YOUR vision.

Step into your leadership presence. Anyone can do it! Inside you right now are the makings of an inspirational leader and motivator. Embrace it, believe it and become the leader you were born to be.

A special video from Keri on how to create an incredible presence:


 Please share your comments below….we love to hear from you!

Do you notice these things in others?
What creates a powerful presence for you?



© 2012 Inspired Living, LLC

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Keri Murphy and the Inspired Living team is on a mission to empower people to use their unique talents in a way that allows them to Dream, Live and BE all that is possible through speaking, coaching, celebrity interviews and original on-line content. Get Inspired at inspiredliving.tv



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