Do You Have the Right Team?

You’re an entrepreneur (or an aspiring one!). You have an idea or have all ready put an idea into action. This seed has the potential to grow into an exceptionally successful business. Sure, start-up cash can make a difference, business experience is also helpful, but the most powerful yet commonly overlooked resource to an entrepreneur in the support of a team, business partner or mentor.

The concept of teamwork is self-explanatory, engrained in our brains since grade school. A group of people come together and work towards a single goal. Each individual bring his/her skills that both coordinate and compliment the others to produce a desired end result. While this seems so simple, we have missed how helpful this can be in developing your own personal skills and your business.

Tapping into the knowledge and experience of others in your field can open your eyes. Seeing alternative perspectives can spark innovation and create opportunities. The right team will help you to properly think through an idea, suggest ways to increase profitability and provide experience and savvy you may be missing in your own experience. With another set of eyes, you will get a pat on the back when it is deserved or a fair warning when trouble is on the horizon.  By finding the support of the right people, your chances for success in launching an idea, dream or business increase tenfold.

Too often we still try to do it alone, but being a solopreneur  can be very overwhelming and quite lonely. Even with employees and other team members, it’s important that as the leader you have your own group of like-minded individuals that you can turn to.

Joe Paterno, famed football coach, said, “When a team outgrows individual performance and learns team confidence, excellence becomes a reality.”

The RIGHT Team Can…

·      Create synergy, where the sum is greater than the parts.

·      Supports a more empowered way of working, removing constraints, which may prevent you from doing your job properly or to its fullest potential.

·      Fosters flexibility and responsiveness, especially the ability to respond to change.

·      Promotes the sense of achievement, equity and camaraderie, essential for motivation.

We truly are so much better together!  Utilize the knowledge and resources around you. offers tips on how to fine the RIGHT team for you.

Determine your needs. Keeping in mind that your needs will shift as you start and build your business; take the time to determine exactly what kind of mentor or team you want now. Are you having trouble with the numbers, understanding your market or operations? Are you ready to ramp up production or still playing with concepts? Build a wish list for your mentor — laying out what skills and support you need to get to the next step.

Take time to network. Networking isn’t just important for finding customers. It’s also vital for finding a mentor. Who do you want helping you? Someone who sits in an office and thinks connecting with the business community means reading a couple of magazines a month? No, you want someone who’s out there, knows the market and can point you in the right direction.

Listen more, talk less. Given your youthful enthusiasm for entrepreneurship, it may be hard to stay silent. But to find a mentor or team, you need to listen! Pay attention and you‘ll be able to separate the smart potential mentors from those who just use all the right words.

Be “Mentorable.” If you come off as someone who knows everything — or thinks you do — many people will back away. If you want to learn, be willing to consider ideas that may not match your expectations or opinions. Above all, don’t fall victim to your own hype. Your business may or may not have serious problems, but another viewpoint will help you sort things out.

Remain flexible. You may have people who stay with you for the long haul, but you will also benefit from those who provide just an afternoon of insightful ideas. If you are fortunate enough to get time with someone who is rarely available, absorb all you can and take notes. They may be skilled only in one specific area, but that’s okay. All help is good help.

Pay it forward. You may never be able to pay your mentors back, but you can recognize what they’ve done for you by becoming a mentor to others.


You don’t have to do it alone, having help or support does not make you any less successful. Start seeking out your team today!


Shine ON!!






© 2012 Inspired Living, LLC


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Keri Murphy and the Inspired Living team is on a mission to empower people to use their unique talents in a way that allows them to Dream, Live and BE all that is possible through speaking, coaching, celebrity interviews and original on-line content. Get Inspired at



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