The Secret to Making Your Own Luck- by Keri Murphy

Luck- we all want more of it, but don’t know how to create it in our lives. And yet, there are those fortunate few that appear to have “luck” following them around like a shadow. Sailing through life, success comes easier to them, they have fewer disappointments, opportunities fall in their lap and they get more lucky breaks than seem fathomable.

Defined by Merriam-Webster, luck, is fortune that occurs beyond one’s control, without regard to one’s will, intention or desired result. Many perceive luck as a matter of random chance or some attribute it to faith or superstition. Regardless of your opinion we all want more luck in our lives and the more we will it to come the less we seem to have. The truth is however, you can command more luck in your life. There are simple actions you can take and things to apply in your own life and before you know It, opportunity (aka LUCK) will be banging down your door. Suddenly, you will be the “naturally” lucky one.

Here are 7 simple secrets of naturally lucky people. (No four leaf clovers or rainbows necessary)

Secret #1: Lucky people don’t believe in luck.

Author Charles Burke, interviewed ten unusually successful business people for a book he was writing about the role luck plays in the lives of successes and nearly every single one of them stated that they do not believe in luck. They acknowledge however that streams of “serendipitous” or “synchronistic” events routinely happen in their daily lives. The word luck implies no control, but these people realize that in fact you can control it. So call it whatever you want, but the important take away is that you determine how to get these kinds of things happening to you. Once you do that, you can call them anything you want.

Secret #2: “Bad” stuff happens to them too.

“There is always a miracle in a mess.” One of the most controllable ways to generate luck is finding opportunities in problems. In history, great fortunes have been built upon solving great problems. Recognizing a widespread need and turning it into a giant opportunity can generate the best kind luck, profitable luck. You just have to change your mindset. Instead of being negative, look at a hard situation and see what opportunities could come of it.

Secret #3: Most people quit before their “lucky” break

What if you knew that no matter what you attempted to do, success was guaranteed? What would you set out to accomplish? How much higher would you aim to reach?

Setting goals would seem like a no brainer and working towards them, despite challenges would seem easier. Many of us aim high, but throw in the towel too soon out of fear.

How many times have you opted out to avoid failure? Do you ever wonder what would have happened had you stuck with it just a little longer?

Success is inevitable. Maybe not every time, but if you never allow yourself the OPPORTUNITY to reach the end goal and can not work beyond a discouraging situation, you will never be successful. Identifying this as a problem is half the battle, now implement a new “can do” attitude and watch your luck change.

Secret #4: Know when to fold

Winning poker players don’t play every hand they are dealt. They fold hands far more often than they hold. Why? They know the odds for every possible card combination and will only bet on probable success.

Lucky people are very similar. They can recognize and rank opportunities as they come to them.  They may ask themselves: What makes this a good opportunity? Does it solve a problem? Do the people with the problem have enough to pay for a solution? Can you easily reach those with the problem? Is the solution a good one?

If all factors don’t line up, then a lucky person can and will walk away. They know it’s a losing hand no matter how much they like the idea. Cutting their losses before they get in too deep.

Secret #5: Good luck comes through other people.

Most lucky breaks are brought by other people in the form of opportunities. If you are waiting for someone to find and discover you, you will be waiting for quite some time. You must go out and meet people. Now more than ever there is a movement of partnership and collaboration. Many “lucky breaks” come from meeting the right person at the right time and you can’t do that sitting at home watching TV. If you put yourself out there and meet like-minded people, opportunities will be knocking at your doorstep.

Secret #6: Good luck favors those that are prepared.

In your personal or business life, have you laid all the foundational work to be successful? Have you studied or practiced? Gained the skills or techniques to do your job well? Are you investing emotionally into your relationships?  We have all heard the saying, “preparation meets opportunity.” If you are present and prepared, you will do well. If you are trying to fake your way through and are unprepared, luck will not be in your favor. 

Secret # 7: Believe you can attract good things.

Successes and luck is no accident. Every morning, fill your mind with thoughts of what you want, no exceptions.  If you constantly and consistently visualize and think about these things, they will come to you.

As you can see from this list, there are no good luck charms or magic behind making your own luck. It is simple.  Take charge and generate your own, don’t wait around for random luck. Find opportunities, develop skills and believe you can attract good in your life.  Start by adding in just one of these and see if luck will start following you around next!




© 2012 Inspired Living, LLC

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