NEW SPOTLIGHT: Vocal Coach Sloane Reali on Finding Your Voice and Building Your Confidence

Did you know that tone-deafness doesn’t exist? You can lose hearing in a few different ways, but there’s no such thing as being tone deaf! Today’s ILTV Spotlight interview is with vocal coach Sloane Reali, who busts the tone-deafness myth along with many others. 

Too Much

I love Sloane’s story of finding her own voice after being silenced during her childhood and some of her adult life too. Perhaps you can relate, as I did when she shares this: 

“I was told a lot growing up that I was too much and too loud. Every single one of my report cards from school stated that I talked too much.”

As an adult, Sloane pursued education as a career but found working in the school system was just another place where she felt unheard and unable to make an impact.

Being Heard

Today, Sloane teaches voice to children and adults. This work is about so much more than musical ability. Some of her students come for help speaking and singing after losing their ability to articulate after a stroke or other illnesses and injuries. Others are convinced they have zero musical ability. 

“I love all my clients, but something special happens when someone comes to me for lessons who is convinced they cannot sing. They’re like clay on a potter’s wheel. They cannot believe what we accomplish in just one hour!”

Whether she is working with people who want to sing or are trying to regain a voice that has taken a hit, what she really provides is confidence. Tune in to this week’s interview to hear more of Sloane’s insights into gaining confidence, being heard, and finding your voice. Also, I think you’ll be as surprised as I was about what 95% of people are doing wrong with their voices!

Who do you know who needs to hear that they really can learn to sing and speak confidently? Please share this interview with them.

Keri Murphy of Inspired Living


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