11 of our Most Brilliant Moments from Brilliant 2019

On June 4th, 2019 in Redondo Beach, California, 85 brilliant businesswomen from all over the world gathered at the Brilliant Event. For the next 2.5 days, they soaked up invaluable insight and inspiration from top female entrepreneurs across several industries.

The women who graced our stage have built 7 & 8 figure brands in different industries worldwide. Their expertise covers everything from starting successful non-profits to developing products to shattering online business statistics.

It is an event like no other.

We know many of you weren’t able to join us, so we wanted to share some inspiration. Today I’m sharing 11 of our Most Brilliant Moments from this year’s event.

Magical Moment #1

“Detach from the outcome. Allow yourself to be surprised.”

This is just one of the many things Sabrina Heartsong said as she walked us through how to tune into the realm of infinite possibilities. She’s a gifted spiritual and intuitive teacher who appeared as our special surprise guest. She helped us set intentions for the next two and a half days, guiding us to expand our capacity to achieve.

Magical Moment #2

A #1 selling artist, Aubrey Logan graced us with her stories and her music. Her concerts are a mix of excellent musicality, jaw-dropping vocals, expert trombone-playing, a breathtaking array of originals and original takes and, well… we can see why she’s so popular! She captured our imagination with stories about achieving success, and when she sang, she moved us to tears. One such moment happened when she performed her original song, “Impossible.”

“Now I’m putting off this weight of the world
It’s not mine anymore
And I guess it never was
So don’t get me wrong I’m not closing the door
‘Cause somewhere I still want what I want
But, it looks impossible so I must be onto something
They think I’m crazy ’cause right now it’s all or nothing
I don’t care if my neat reputation’s at stake
I’ll fall flat on my face forty times just to break the impossible
To get me onto something”

(Do yourself a favor and give it a listen).

Magical Moment #3

Katy Stoka is an impressive American inventor and businesswoman. She invented the magnetic lash (One Two Lash) in 2014 and launched her company, One Two Cosmetics, in 2016.

Katy shared how she rang with an idea that came to her in the shower and turned into an invention. She showed us the behind-the-scenes challenges of making her first product prototype and building the company One Two Lash. Her stories were so relatable and encouraging!

Magical Moment #4

One of the most amazing things to watch at Brilliant is the way it creates a space for women to cultivate a community of other entrepreneurs. Attending Brilliant tends to stir up a range of emotions, both scary and invigorating. One moment, I am filled with optimism at the growth my company is experiencing, the next I’m invigorated by possibility, then fear of change, then hope for transformation.

When we started the Brilliant event, we anticipated this emotional roller coaster. We intentionally created a supportive space for each of us to know that we are not alone in the ups and downs. Being surrounded by other supportive entrepreneurs is an incredible feeling. And I have to say that every single woman who attended this event showed up both to learn and to encourage the women around them.

Magical Moment #5

“Giving is the most potent force on the planet.”

Cynthia Kersey’s story brought the idea of turning your pain into purpose into a whole new light for each of us. She showed us the reality that you get what you give as she shared how she turned the pain of losing everything, including her job and her marriage, into focused energy to create the Unstoppable Foundation.

Her stories about her travels to Africa and building schools inspired all of us to create a practical action plan to integrate generosity as a fundamental part of our business models.

Magical Moment #6

Our Luminary Leaders are living examples of, “When one shines, we all shine.” Each of these select women got a few moments to share their stories and their experiences with us from the stage. I found their support of one another so compelling! We saw no trace of competition between any of them.

Magical Moment #7

“Tell me no and watch me go!”

These are Holly Dowling’s words to live by. As Holly described many ways she had been told no in her life, we saw ourselves in her stories. She held the space for us to take a moment and look back on how far we have come in the last ten years. Then she urged us to think deliberately about how we want to go forward. She demonstrated how we can let our past define us or refine us.

Magical Moment #9

“What if everything that has happened to you has happened for you?”

Kim Coles is a comedian, actress, and coach and her gift for captivating audiences really shined on the Brilliant stage as she told us her stories. She taught us that every moment of our lives is part of our story.

Now more than ever, Kim says that it’s vital to share the stories that made us who we are. By learning to tell our stories in a captivating way, we will stand out in our industries, and Kim walked us through how to do that.

Magical Moment #10

I was delighted to welcome our new Inspired Living Social Media Manager, Bridget Brady, to the stage. She taught us all how to build our business with the power of social media. Bridget gave us some of her “ninja secrets” on how to make sure that the Brilliant messages we’re sharing actually get seen.

Magical Moment #11

Of course, I also had the pleasure of taking the stage during Brilliant. I spoke in small moments throughout the event, but my favorite talk to give this year was all about Business Beyond Beauty.

Online, it is so easy to get trapped in the comparison game and feeling like you’re not enough. Whether it’s comparing yourself physically to how someone else shows up, how professional their brand is, or how fast their business is growing, it isn’t healthy and it can hold you back.

Today we can get the training we need to show up, whether online, in video, or live on stage. But the key is being willing to be seen. I walked the ladies in the room through an exercise designed to help them see just how beautiful they really are, inside and out.

Remember, “The ‘P’ in perfection is poison.”

My closing message to all of us (including me) is this: You don’t have to go it alone just because you work from home.
I am committed to making each year as magical as the last. I want you to know that when you walk in the doors, whether it’s your first Brilliant or your fifth, you will fill up with fresh insight, ideas, and inspiration. You will have exactly what you need to shine in the next year of your business.

Doors are open for 2020 and I would love, love, love to see you there. Click here to RSVP at the early action rate.

Until next time… Dream it. Live it. BE it!


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Our blog features a series of interviews with some of the most visible and inspiring people world wide (ILTV) PLUS inspiration, business tips, and advice from Keri.