Bravery and Bookkeeping with Candy Messer

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Welcome to this week’s Spotlight Interview, where we showcase extraordinary people and their businesses, to help you live the most inspired life possible!

Whether you are a start up entrepreneur or you’re well on your way to building your empire, there’s usually one area where we tend to stick our head in the sand and that is our finances. What I’ve learned over the years, is that it’s so important to give up control of that overwhelming task and find someone you trust to take over your budget and finances!

In this interview, I sit down with the numbers lady extraordinaire Candy Messer, founder of Affordable Bookkeeping and Payroll Services. Not only does Candy share the importance of handing over your finances to a professional, but she also shares her story of how she came to be an entrepreneur herself.

Candy’s transition into entrepreneurship was not as quick as some stories you hear.

She did not have ambitions of becoming an entrepreneur from the get go, however life presented her with the opportunity, and she took it. When she first started out, Candy was running her business out of her home, with just a few clients, while she continued to work her “real job”. This continued for a few years until her husband encouraged her strongly to leave her other “secure” job and put her 100% focus into AB&P.

Candy shares with us that it was a scary leap of faith leaving a guaranteed paycheck, steady work and a regular schedule to be her own boss. She needed that extra push from her husband to be able to take that terrifying next step! Let this be a lesson for us all to not only stop letting fear get in the way of us living out our dreams and passions, but to also be that support system to our friends and family who could use that extra push.

In terms of taking care of the finances for your business, for some people numbers just don’t click and THAT’S OK! You don’t have to be great at everything. It’s like I always say, to be a successful entrepreneur, you have to give up control of certain aspects of your company in order to truly live in your passion and fulfill your soul’s calling. There are professionals out there to help you. We need to stop trying to do and BE everything!

Candy’s business not only handles the financial aspect of businesses, but her and her team also work to make sure businesses are up to date on all permits, licenses and paperwork – many items that oftentimes get overlooked, especially with new entrepreneurs.

With Candy’s wide range of knowledge and skills, she has so much valuable information to share with us in terms of mistakes entrepreneurs make with their finances, what to look for in a bookkeeper, and how to save money in the long run by outsourcing.

I encourage you all to tune into my full interview with Candy to make sure you don’t miss any valuable information!

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If you would like to find out more about Candy’s business, you can click here to check out her website.

Thank you again for tuning in, and if Candy’s story inspired you, please share this video with others, and leave your own personal story in the comment section below. Our stories hold so much power and you never know who you can inspire today by sharing yours.

As always, thanks for tuning in! Until next time Dream it. Live it. BE it!



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Our blog features a series of interviews with some of the most visible and inspiring people world wide (ILTV) PLUS inspiration, business tips, and advice from Keri.