How to Become the “Celebrity” in Your Niche

Do you want to be the “Celebrity” in your niche? Are you someone who wants to build a brand that stands out? Wouldn’t it be great that when people think about the service or product they think of YOU?!

When thinking about a brand there are so many people & experts that will guide you and help you make decisions. But your brand is a reflection of  YOU & WHO YOU ARE in the world.


How do you do it? Well there are three things that will really make your brand stand out; that will make you be known in your industry for being the incredible you that you are!

  • Be Innovative – Don’t try to reinvent the wheel but make it your own color. Do things differently, think of Richard Branson and Virgin Airlines. In a world of 7 billion people there are a lot of copycats out there; there are a lot of people that want to take on another’s persona, take on that brand and make it their own. Be authentic, be YOU, and do something that really encapsulates who YOU ARE and why you’re different.
  • Be Committed – Everyone that I have interviewed that has reached incredible success around their brand has said “We are committed” to actually doing what it was they thought was right. When you know who you are and what you stand for be committed to that 100%.
  • Be Consistent – Be consistent with everything you do to: your collateral, your videos, website, and when you speak. Congruency and consistency is so imperative, and will really help you rise above, when it comes to building a brand that stands out. When people see you on a regular basis they remember you.

Being innovative, committed, and consistent is how brands like Virgin, Apple and other industry leaders are as successful as they are today.

Watch this video and learn from my friend Paige from Paige Denim… how commitment made her so successful and the leader in her industry.

I would love to hear from you… Did this video help you? Are you in the process of building your own brand? If so, post your comment below, I always love hearing from you. If you liked this video please take a moment to share it with someone!

At Inspired Living we are committed to helping passionate entrepreneurs like you, reach your target audience so you can make the greatest impact and income doing what you love.

If you are ready to become the go-to “celebrity” in your field and want to learn how, we are offering complimentary Celebrity Brand Assessment to the first 20 people that reply to this post. ($500.00 value)

Just post, “I AM ready!” with your email and our team will reach out to you to schedule your complimentary brand assessment. You can also email us directly with your phone number at [email protected] Your time is NOW, your tribe IS waiting and you have something incredible to share. Let us help you get it out there!

When you are inspired, you inspire others.

Dream it. Live it. BE it! ®



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