Which Will You Choose?

Have you ever taken a chance on faith or have you let fear lead you down the path of practicality?

I came across this beautiful video the other day and I have to tell you, I was incredibly moved. I watched it several times. Jim Carrey shares his secrets to life and how important it is to choose the love in your heart over fear.

I have been going through some significant changes in my life, both personally and professionally. Although most of these changes are beautiful, incredible and beyond what I could have ever imagined in my life, I still struggle with moving towards the future while dancing with fear. I sometimes find myself contemplating the idea of choosing fear over love; not because I do not believe the love I have in my heart, but because I often worry about how my own choices will affect others. Have you ever felt this way?

Fear continually plays tricks on our mind. However, through meeting so many life changers, and discovering my own life purpose, I know we cannot walk confidently towards the future without taking a chance on faith and trusting our inner voice. If we move through life by choosing to make decisions based out of the love in our hearts, all things will work out best for ourselves and the lives we touch.

I encourage you to move towards the direction of your dreams. The opportunities are only limited by the boundaries you set for yourself. What are you waiting for?

I want to hear from you. What fears show up in your life that prevent you from living the life of your dreams? If you are in a place where you have overcome fear, what keeps you focused to live by faith? Please comment below.

Thank you for continuing to be a part of the Inspired Living Community. We look forward to learning and hearing from you.

Shine ON!



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