Embrace Abundance in Your Life

Mindset is the “established set of attitudes held by someone.” These are adopted starting at a young age based off life experiences and interactions with parents and peers. It is then further influenced by popular culture. Mindset shapes our actions, thoughts, perception and response to events. Depending on what you think, feel and do, mindset can quickly change.

Our culture sensationalizes lack and conveniently ignores abundance. After all, stories of growth and success don’t attract millions of viewers, but you can bet a plummeting stock market will.

Scarcity (or fear based) thinking has become more common than abundance (or trust based) thinking.

Does this sound familiar?

You believe life is permanent.  “That is just the way it is.” To those with a scarcity mentality, things are not temporary but fixed in some way.

You habitually use the language of lack. “I can’t, I don’t have enough,  I’m broke…” Are these phrases you use often?

You have trouble acknowledging success of others.  Success of someone else is a loss for you. Jealousy implies that you believe that person has attained something that is unattainable for yourself.

You hoard or hold on to things.

You have difficulty receiving… Compliments, gifts, someone treating you well and downplay achievement.

You make small gestures of lack.  Under tipping, pilfering, skimming off the top.  Life will mirror your beliefs.  If you believe in lack, not matter how small your actions may be, life will mirror those same beliefs back to you.

If more than one of these strike a cord with you that is OK! The good news is, all of these are all habits .“Habit is the intersection of knowledge (what to do), skill (how to do), and desire (want to do),” said Stephen Covey.  Habits can be changed.

They are not always easy to break, often times we engage in these behaviors unconsciously. A scarcity mindset is learned and part of a negative mental attitude.

Covey also said, “Until a person can say deeply and honestly, “I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday,” that person cannot say, “I choose otherwise.”

Adopt an attitude of abundance and liberate yourself from the confines of a scarcity mentality. Why do we feel there is little to go around, when in actuality there is a lot!

It is time to “choose otherwise”, begin by unlearning old habits. A positive view of yourself, your life and the Universe in which abundance and success come is essential. Changing your outlook on things is an extremely powerful tool.

An abundant attitude is aligned with thoughts of…

“There is always enough.”

“I can attract what I need into my life.”

“I trust that all my needs will be met.”

Releasing fear (scarcity) will help you to welcome in the infinite possibilities that you will receive with your new mindset. Abundance is at your fingertips, you jut have to believe it is!


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© 2012 Inspired Living, LLC

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