Inspired Living with Quinton Aaron from “The Blind Side”

Do you struggle to fit in? Do you feel like the last unicorn when it comes to pursuing your dreams? If so, you are not the only one out there that feels that way. You won’t believe the circumstances Quinton was in right before he got the breakthrough role in the blockbuster kit, “The Blind Side” with Sandra Bullock.

Quinton Aaron, recognized for his role as NFL offensive tackle Michael Ohre, in the film “The Blind Side” offers advice to the Inspired Living audience in this interview with Keri Murphy.

If you can learn anything at the end of the day, Quinton said, it is that words can’t hurt you.

Growing up, a big guy, at 6’8″ he was sought out to play sports from a young age. Pressured from all sides, coaches and family members did not encourage him but instead pushed him further away from wanting to pursue athletics. Their response would be, “Your good for nothing and big for nothing.” Did this bring him down? “No. I am not big for you. I am big for me. I am big because god made me this way,” said Quinton. “I am this way for a reason.” As an anti-bullying advocate, Quinton recognizes that the problem starts and has to stop at home.

Watch more to learn about the parallels between Michael Ohre and Quinton’s own lives and how this role in the Academy Award winning film lifted Quinton out of the struggles he was facing.

Have you every felt like you were about to LOSE IT ALL right before the Miracle? I would love to read your comments below!

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  1. Kerry Swetmin

    You KICK ASS Keri Murphy!! I love watching these interviews. Thanks for living your dream & inspiring the world:)

    1. Keri

      Thank you Kerry! Thanks for all that you do to inspire others to live their dreams too.

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