You’ve got the Magic in You!

Is your life magical? If you took inventory of all the areas of your life right now: health, money, career, relationships, what would you find? Napoleon Hill often talks about the power of focus and how what we focus on is what we create. To that effect…what is “magical” or good in your life are the areas where you are often inspired and grateful. How many times have you written out a list of goals, tucked it in a drawer for safekeeping, and completely forgotten about it until it resurfaces in spring-cleaning years down the road? Then, looking over the list you notice all the things you have accomplished since writing that list a year ago!

We take for granted how a simple act such as writing down a list of all the dreams you want to accomplish in your life can help you to become successful. In “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne, these are referred to as or “Dream Lists”. By doing this, you can get clear about what you truly want. You don’t even have to write down exactly how to achieve these goals; it is about acknowledging what you want in any aspect of life.

Visualization is the minds ability to watch everything in pictures. Regardless of whether these pictures are real or imaginary, the mind cannot differentiate between the two. It has been proven, that any picture can become our reality.  Visualization tools were used in ‘Apollo’ flight preparation and with Olympic athletes in 1980-1990. Athletes were attached to biofeedback equipment and asked to run their event, but in their mind. Data showed that the same muscles fired in the same sequence as when they were actually running their race on the track. See how powerful your mind and visualization can be?

Imagination is an important visualization tool. We can NOT create something in our life that we do not imagine. Therefore taking time out to write out dreams lists in ALL areas in life…business, family, finances, we are telling our unconscious mind what we want to create. Goals need a place to start. Putting them to paper suddenly makes them more tangible. If we only think about our dreams, they are hazy, out-of-focus and may or may not come to fruition, but by writing them down they become a road map to success.

This week take some time to get specific about what you want to create in 2013. If you want a better job, or you are ready to create your dream job, then what does that job entail? How do you feel in this job, how much money are you making, what type of clients are your working with, what are the hours you are working, etc. Sky’s the limit! 

Create a “dream list” for each of the following areas of your life:




Personal wants


Material wants

The more specific you get the more YOU are creating the magic in your life. You are telling your mind, God and the Universe what you want. You are giving definite direction to where your life is heading. Be grateful for all these things knowing that they will be coming to you. Keep these lists where you can easily see them and can add to them whenever you get the whim.

Now is the time to reevaluate what you truly want. Let go of temporary happiness and find success in reaching your dreams from the pure core within you. Its 2013, a new year what do you see for yourself? Better go get writing!


Shine ON!!





© 2012 Inspired Living, LLC

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Keri Murphy and the Inspired Living team is on a mission to empower people to use their unique talents in a way that allows them to Dream, Live and BE all that is possible through speaking, coaching, celebrity interviews and original on-line content. Get Inspired at



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