In today’s tough economy everyone is looking for ways to cut costs and save money. There are few costs so small that people aren’t examining them to see if they can be made even smaller. Turning off lights to keep energy bills low, buying only as much food as will be eaten to cut grocery spending, and doing animal grooming yourselves are just a few ways that people are saving their greenbacks.
But what do you do when something breaks? Do you fix it or throw it away and buy a new one? This can be financially stressful because it is an unexpected cost. There is good news, though. If the furniture in your house is looking a little worn, or is breaking down, you can refurbish it yourself! Make it look new and pay half (or even less) then you would pay buying new furniture from a store.
A faded couch, a creaky bookshelf, or rickety chairs are all great examples of furniture that can be refurbished to save money. Below are a few tips and tricks to get you started.
- Wooden furniture is some of the easiest to bring back to life. If you have an old rocking chair or end table that is showing its age, try refinishing it to brighten it back up. At the hardware store pick out a stain color you love, grab some sandpaper, and get started. If there is any paint on the wood, you will need to take it off first.
- Update your outdoor patio furniture. If you think that plastic furniture only has one life to live, you are mistaken. Even the plastic stuff can get a second chance with a new coat of paint. Pick up some primer and paint – either all-purpose or plastic specific – and a brush. If you want to skip the primer, try Krylon Fusion for Plastic spray paint. Just make sure the surface is clean and get spraying.
- Make your bookshelf look brand new by changing its color. Take out all the books, wipe it clean, and sand off any scratches or pockmarks. Put on a coat of primer and then your chosen color in all-purpose paint. Finish with a coat of polyurethane for a glossy sheen. If you’re feeling artistic, feel free to add some flair with pictures or other personalization.
- Brighten up your metal furniture and decor, including mirrors and outdoor tables. Using a wire brush with stiff bristles, get rid of any dirt and rust that has built up. Wipe the detritus away with wet rag and leave to dry. If you want, you can paint the metal now with some metal paint or use primer and all-purpose paint. Or just leave it all buffed and shiny. It will look like new.
- Turn your ceramic counter into an art project. Making what is old look new is easy when it comes to ceramic. Start by cleaning with a strong bathroom cleaner. Then put on a lawyer of ceramic primer and paint using your own skills or with stencils. (This is a great project for kids also!)
These are just a few ways to make your old furniture and decor look new again. Take some creative license and get started. Just make sure you use the proper safety precautions if anything is toxic!
About the Author: Lisa Steele has been writing about home restoration projects for over a decade. When she isn’t writing, you can find her working on chair replacement parts or spending time at home with her family.
© 2012 Inspired Living, LLC
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