Does it Really Stay in Vegas?

I hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. This is usually the weekend I celebrate my birthday so I have lot’s of fond memories of this weekend and am certainly doing a little celebrating while in Vegas this week. I also want to thank all of our military for what they do for our country. We would not have our incredible freedom without them!

Now, I know Vegas is the go-to place to have some crazy fun and I certainly have danced on my share of tables but as I look around at all the people, I can’t help but wonder if what happens in Vegas really stays in Vegas. Do you believe how you do one thing is how you do everything?

When I first heard that saying I didn’t really get it…what do you mean how you do one thing is how you do everything? But it really makes sense to me now. How you show up in one area of your life shows up in all areas of your life. That is because our values, self-worth and belief systems are not compartmentalized to just one area. So whether in Vegas or out there in the “real” world I believe nothing you DO is separate from who you ARE.






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