Stop Waiting to Live Your Life

“Life isn’t a matter of milestones but of moments”
-Rose F. Kennedy

I have lived much of my life, as many of us do, waiting, planning and pining over the “BIG” moments to come: the next launch, the proposal, the next trip. Sure, these are clearly unforgettable, but when you look back over your life, will these make up your life in its entirety?

No, those are few and far between. Real life is right in front of us each and every day. Moments so small, we sometimes take them for granted, but ultimately, these are what will cumulatively create a life well lived.

It is time to embrace and celebrate these epic, small moments,

After my own personal reflection, it is these moments I cherish the most…sitting around a table with my family laughing, talking and drinking great wine. Watching my nieces and nephews all playing together and snuggling up with the man that I love.

In these moments I see love and joy in its purest form.

I want to encourage you to reflect back about those tiny, yet significant moments that have made up your life. When have you felt completely content or really seen what has happening in a moment? Who was with you?

How can you create more of those moments? It is time to be present. See what is in front of you. Really look at the people in your life and recognize the love that surrounds you.

UCLA basketball coach and mentor, John Wooden constantly impressed upon his players “Make each day your masterpiece.” And further explained that “the past is gone and will never change, and the future is only impacted by what you do today.” 

Based on your own purpose, priorities and passions, are you making the right choices about the time you spend in a day, a week or a year? How do you filter your priorities? Do you run your schedule or does your schedule run you?

Make the most of your life by embracing the “Every Day Mindset”. This is a simple reminder that this day will only ever happen once. It doesn’t mean that you should live recklessly, your future is also important. Just remember, “the only way to get to the future is through a series of todays”.

Peter Clemens of The Change blog, suggests 3 ways to apply the “Every Day Mindset” to your own life.

Enjoy Every Day

Make a choice to enjoy every day. Dennis S. Brown said, “The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude.” Life is not always easy, days are not always perfect, but you control your attitude and your reaction to situations.

Most of us know how to enjoy our leisure time, but we should also be happy at work. Most employed Americans spend over 40 hours a week at work. With that much time invested, we should be happy while doing it, right?

Here are a few tips:

  • Do what you love: this should be your ultimate career goal. It easier said than done, but it is possible.
  • Make friends with your co-workers: in so many ways, it is our relationships with people that give us the most happiness in life. So take the time and effort to become friends with the people you work with.
  • Take pride in your work: even if you aren’t saving lives, chances are you are contributing in some positive way to society. Take pride in your work and you are sure to feel better about yourself.
  • Stop waiting: stop waiting for something to happen before you are happy. Because guess what? Chances are that a better title, more money, a car bay, or that nice corner office with the great view will not make a significant and lasting difference to your level of happiness.

Take Small Steps

We all suffer from emotional handicaps: fear, doubt and procrastination. If we are not careful, we become overwhelmed by these and cease from taking any action at all.

Instead of getting caught up in the big picture, try to improve 1% each day. This may not seem like much, but imagine how much you will have changed and improved after one month. Try being 1% happier, healthier, and productive than yesterday and see what happens.

Make Daily Habits

“Tomorrow- a mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation and achievement is stored.” Funny, but true. How many of us put off what we need or should be doing with intention of doing it “tomorrow”? And somehow tomorrow turns into next week or next month. Sound familiar?

Make a habit stick instead, by committing to doing it daily. Try these tips to help build your healthy daily habits.

  • Exercise Your Brain: exercising your brain is as important (if not more!) than exercising your muscles. Sudoku and Kakuro are ways to stimulate the brain along crosswords, quizzes, and brainteasers.
  • Celebrate Your Successes: It so important to take time each day to celebrate your successes. This doesn’t have to involve opening a bottle of bubbly – quite often a mental pat on the back will do.
  • Keep in Touch with Friends: A quick email or text to a friend each day is a great way to stay in touch with friends when you are extremely busy.

Each of us is blessed with a unique path, full of experiences and relationships that should enrich our lives and help to create small epic moments each day. Don’t let yours go by waiting for the next “BIG” thing. Take the time to be present in YOUR OWN LIFE today!

Shine ON!!

© 2013 Inspired Living, LLC

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