Let’s be honest, the fear of failure is real. That is exactly why I’m bringing in my good friend, Kim Lyons for a brand new episode of Inspired Conversations.
In today’s conversation, Kim Lyons discusses how pivotal embracing failure has been to her success as an entrepreneur. She shares her journey all the way from her start in pilot training to opening up her own fitness studio and landing the cover of countless health and fitness magazines. Kim emphasizes the power of trusting intuition and being willing to pivot when necessary for business success. She even gives us a glimpse into her secrets to planning and preparation. Kim highlights the significance of visualization and what it means to maintain optimal physical, mental, and emotional health. She encourages listeners to embrace the power of the pivot and trust the process of connecting the dots in their journey.
#pivotallifestyle #habitsofsuccessfulentrepreneur #fromfailuretosuccess #successfulbusinesswoman
Prefer to listen? Check out the Podcast 🎧