The Power of Positioning

Are you someone who struggles with getting the results that you want? Or attracting the ideal clients that you know are out there searching for you?

This week on ILTV, I am delving into a topic that gets me so fired up! What I am about to share with you is what I believe is the KEY to distinguishing one brand from another. No matter what field you are in, standing out from the rest is imperative, and that is why I have decided to reveal to you The Power of Positioning.

I always say, how people perceive you is their truth. If you’re not positioned in a way that you want people to see you, then however they perceive you is what they feel to be true.

You can’t waste your time worrying about what people think about you, but you can make sure you show up as the authentic expert that you ARE!

I know what you may be thinking; “sounds great Keri, but HOW do I do that?” Not to worry, in this video I share everything you need to know to successfully position yourself as an expert in your industry.

Join me and for the next 5 minutes I will guide you through the process of getting clear on what your truth is and then how to position yourself in a way that your clients can clearly see.

I would love to hear from you! Did any of these tips help you get clearer on how to position yourself in the marketplace? If so, please post your comments below.

Please do not hesitate to share, for when you are inspired, you inspire others.



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Our blog features a series of interviews with some of the most visible and inspiring people world wide (ILTV) PLUS inspiration, business tips, and advice from Keri.