[IL Video] How to Build a Powerful Circle of Influence

Do you realize how important your circle of influence is on your life? Jim Rohn is known for his famous quote, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” There is no doubt about it, who you choose to be in your circle of influence has a direct impact on ALL AREAS of your life. If you’re surrounded by positive, successful, driven people there is no way that their example and encouragement will not have a profound impact on your life. For years I did not seek out mentors or people who I truly aspired to be like, although I had amazing friends, it was proven…my growth was directly proportionate to my circle of influence. The more I expanded that circle, the greater growth in my business and personal life.

Expanding your circle may seem daunting or even scary, especially if you consider yourself an introvert or don’t know where to begin. That is why this week I am sharing some simple tips on how you can expand your circle of powerful influencers. You are who you hang around so why not compile a rockstar list of supporters?

Start by writing down who you see yourself being friends with or mentored by, and don’t hold back! Keep this list and don’t hesitate to build upon it. See what kind of an online presence each person has and join their community. Generally you’ll find that being inspired has a ripple effect…it’s as I always say, when you’re inspired, you inspire others!

Second, get out of your comfort zone. This is so important to the growth of you as an individual as well as in your business. It takes major guts to put yourself out there but when you do, you will meet amazing people. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to speakers at conferences or anyone who inspires you. Some of my greatest friends have come from moments like these!

Perhaps the most important part of this lesson is that you need to believe. Believe that you deserve all that it is you desire to have in your life. Believe that you can achieve your highest potential and make friends with those who have paved the way for you, and inspired you along your journey. Visualize and feel what it is like to be where you want to be. Feeling those emotions is going to really help in the visualization process because when you feel happy, you will be happy!

Don’t forget to share your thoughts and comments with me below. Who do you dream of having in your circle? Hey, we’re all only 6 degrees from Kevin Bacon, who else can we connect you with? 🙂 Plus I always love to hear from you and reading your take-a-ways!


Shine ON!!




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