How to Build a Big Dream on a Small Budget

I often get asked, how can I build my BIG dream on a small budget? Maybe you don’t know how or where to begin? Trust me. I know exactly where you are, as I was in your shoes not too long ago. I had this huge vision for my life, but had so little in my bank account that I was still asking my mom for gas money. I was broke (or as the fabulous DC Cordova would say, temporarily without cash) but I knew there was something greater for me and my life!

I knew in my heart and soul that I was not going to let a few set backs get in the way of what I was called to do. Don’t let money (or the lack of it), get in the way of your big dream.

In today’s video, I share with you a few things you can do (that I did) that will help you get that big dream a little bit closer.

1. Surround yourself with people who are doing it– What is your big dream? Whether it is dancing, singing, or opening up a business, I suggest you find people who are already doing what you want to do and surround yourself with them. By simply being around these people, you will start picking up tips in no time.

2. Do not share your big dream with small thinkers– Although you want to share your dream with everyone, those people who have their own fears and insecurities with what they can achieve in their own life will pull you down. I suggest you create a vision board or vision journal so you can look at what you want to create and make it visual for you.

3.  Make decisions from where you want to be, not where you are– Act “as if”. Act like the person you want to become. How would that person dress? Where would the go? Who would they surround themselves with? This will help in making your big dream a reality.

4. Start NOW– Take the first step. Stop waiting for the perfect time. Stop waiting for the money to show up in your bank account and start doing it today.  Start doing the small things now that will help bring your big dream to fruition.

I want to hear from YOU. What is your big dream and what is the gap that is preventing you from taking those big steps. Or if you are well on your way, please share with us what you have done to make your big dreams come true. Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

As always, thank you for being a part of the Inspired Living Community.

Shine ON!




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